충남대학교 에너지저장변환연구실 로고

International Journal


International Journal

전체 : 191, 현재 : 18 / 20 페이지
Practical Methodology of the Integrated Design and Power Control Unit for SHEV with Multiple Power Sources 이미지

Practical Methodology of the Integrated Design and Power Control Unit for SHEV with Multiple Power Sources

Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology, Vol. 11, Issue 2, pp. 353-360

Seongjun Lee, Jonghoon Kim

Discrete Wavelet Transform-Based Feature Extraction of Experimental Voltage Signal for Li-Ion Cell Consistency 이미지

Discrete Wavelet Transform-Based Feature Extraction of Experimental Voltage Signal for Li-Ion Cell Consistency

IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 65, Issue 3, pp. 1150 - 1161

Jonghoon Kim

Discrete wavelet transform-based denoising technique for advanced state-of-charge estimator of a lithium-ion battery in electric vehicles 이미지

Discrete wavelet transform-based denoising technique for advanced state-of-charge estimator of a lithium-ion battery in electric vehicles

Energy, Vol. 83, pp. 462-473

Seongjun Lee, Jonghoon Kim

A State-of-Charge and Capacity Estimation Algorithm for Lithium-ion Battery Pack Utilizing Filtered Terminal Voltage 이미지

A State-of-Charge and Capacity Estimation Algorithm for Lithium-ion Battery Pack Utilizing Filtered Terminal Voltage

World Electr. Veh. J., Vol. 7, Issue 1, 71-75

Chang Yoon Chun, Sung Hyun Yoon, B. H. Cho, Jonghoon Kim

Maximum pulse current estimation for high accuracy power capability prediction of a Li-Ion battery 이미지

Maximum pulse current estimation for high accuracy power capability prediction of a Li-Ion battery

Microelectronics Reliability, Vol. 55, Issues 3–4, pp. 572-581

Seongjun Lee, Jonghoon Kim, B.H. Cho

Current sensor-less state-of-charge estimation algorithm for lithium-ion batteries utilizing filtered terminal voltage 이미지

Current sensor-less state-of-charge estimation algorithm for lithium-ion batteries utilizing filtered terminal voltage

Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 273, pp. 255-263

Chang Yoon Chun, Jongbok Baek, Gab-Su Seo, B.H. Cho, Jonghoon Kim, Il Kwon Chang, Sangwoo Lee

An innovative approach for characteristic analysis and state-of-health diagnosis for a Li-ion cell based on the discrete wavelet transform 이미지

An innovative approach for characteristic analysis and state-of-health diagnosis for a Li-ion cell based on the discrete wavelet transform

Journal of Power Sources, Vol 260, pp. 115-130

Jonghoon Kim, B.H. Cho

Implementation of discrete wavelet transformbased discrimination and state-of-health diagnosis for a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell 이미지

Implementation of discrete wavelet transformbased discrimination and state-of-health diagnosis for a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 39, Issue 20, pp. 10664-10682

Jonghoon Kim, Yongsug Tak

Equivalent circuit modeling of PEM fuel cell degradation combined with a LFRC 이미지

Equivalent circuit modeling of PEM fuel cell degradation combined with a LFRC

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 60, Issue 11, pp. 5086 - 5094

Jonghoon Kim, Jaemoon Lee, B. H. Cho

Screening process-based modeling of the multi-cell battery string in series and parallel connections for high accuracy state-of-charge estimation 이미지

Screening process-based modeling of the multi-cell battery string in series and parallel connections for high accuracy state-of-charge estimation

Energy, Vol. 57, pp. 581-599

Jonghoon Kim, B.H. Cho

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